
Custom Card Order

A little while back I was asked to create a card for a customer's niece. She described what she wanted, I provided her with a sketch and started on it. She wanted some text printed at the top - she told me what it would say. She also wanted me to quill her niece's name and make it look like it was being painted. She also wanted a paint palette included. I love custom orders for this very reason - I'm pretty sure I never would have thought this up on my own.

I used a pretty blue teal color for her nieces name, and had a paint brush with the same color bristles and a couple of paint droplets as well. She loved it, I really liked it as well. It was a lot of fun to create.



    you nailed it on the head Tracey....it's perfect

    I love custom orders for the very same reason.

  2. What a fabulous idea, and you did a great job with it. Love the colors used. Linda E.

  3. I love that colour. The paint brush and little blobs of paint are a great touch! Your attention to detail is always fantastic!

  4. You guys are awesome, thanks for the kind words.

  5. This is amazing! How do you get your lettering so perfect? I'm yet to master letters, this is so inspiring!
