
New Projects

I'm so behind on posts, it's awful; when my allergies bother me I just don't do any quilling - the past week or so I've been feeling a little better so I worked on some custom orders. The first project was a set of 4 butterfly magnets, the second was a "lovey" card. For the magnets, I decided to use more than one color for the wings, I chose teal as my main color and accentuated each with purples/blues or yellow/oranges/light green.

On the card it was pretty open, I told him I was thinking of a tree with their initials and in the leaves I would add a few hearts; he said it sounded good to him and loved the way it turned out. If you'd like your own Love Tree card with customizable initials feel free to pop on over to my shop and purchase it. I've also added a set of 2 butterfly magnets to my shop, which would make a great teacher gift or office gift as the holiday's approach.