A request for a magnet set, I thought of a bee, a ladybug and 2 flowers - turned out to be a cute set; might have to add to my etsy shop soon.
Hello Kitty
I love a challenge, really I do. One of my coworker's called me up last week and asked if I'd be up for a challenge, certainly I thought. She asked if I thought I could quill her a pair of Hello Kitty earrings. I said yes, I would do my best; I was really hoping I could get them to look like they should. Recently in our home we celebrated our daughter's birthday and it was Hello Kitty themed so thankfully I didn't have to do too much research to get this right. I did a quick sketch of her head and went to work quilling some earrings. I showed them around and everyone agreed they looked like Hello Kitty, challenge completed; and my coworker is positive her cousin is gonna love them.
A Happy Juicy Birthday
I had hoped to have this card posted yesterday but time did not permit. My coworker (yes the same one who orders everything) asked me to create a Juicy Couture birthday card for her daughter's 22nd birthday. I've heard of Juicy Couture, brand name for fashion, jewelry, hand bags; it's not my thing so I had to look up the logo/icon - the perfectionist that I am I wanted to make sure I got it correct. I used white swiss dot for the background, decided to go with a nice plum colored card stock for the purse shape and used silver quilling paper for the crown. I added just a light bit of clear glitter over the top of the crown just to give it some bling. My coworker loves it and is sure her daughter will as well.
Happy Birthday, Wine Bottle Card
How exciting, to be part of another blog hop - and a birthday one at that.
Happy Birthday to the talented Linda of Krazyquilling!
My coworker who buys everything from me asked that I create a birthday card for her manager - I know him since he's one of my manager's as well just not directly, well I needed to know some of his likes so I could do it right. He likes to drink wine, not much to go on but I was going to make it work. I started looking through my section of masculine papers and found this great argyle which I've been wanting to use for months - I know he has one or two argyle sweaters so surely he's like it on a card. I then set forth in creating the wine bottle, but the label needed something - I then added the grapes and quilled the leaves - it was perfect (or so I thought). I must say I was very pleased with it even though it's a little more bold and busy then I normally do, my coworker loved it and so did her manager; so that's what really matters.
Here is the blog hop list to follow, don't forget to leave a comment on everyone's blog for a chance to win:
Linda - www.krazyquilling.com
Angelica - www.handmadebyangelica.com
Jessica- www.kinderstampo.com
Emma- www.creativetimeforme.com
Tracey- www.quillynilly.blogspot.com/ (this is me)
Carri- www.doubleclickconnections.blogspot.com (your next stop)
Alex- www.youhadmeatcraft.com
Pam- www.pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com
Emma- www.creativetimefor
Tracey- www.quillynilly.blogspo
Carri- www.doubleclickconnecti
Alex- www.youhadmeatcraft
Pam- www.pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com
Bonnie- www.ascrapabove.blogspo Nikki- scrappinnavywife.bl Abby- scrapbookaholicbyab Katie- www.craftingwithkat Debbie- craftydeb-ddscrafts Glora- glorascrafts.blogsp Leanne- createdbyleanne.blo Vicky- luvmygypsy.blogspot Laura- www.makinprettythings.com Tanner- www.mrcricutcrazy.c Carol- www.happyexpressions.bl Marta- www.pattisscrapingtime. Shannon - www.purplelionpaper.com/blog Linda with krazyquilling will also have a Live U-Stream with more Giveaways tonight at 10:00pm EST Make sure you leave a comment on every stop for a chance to win A Stamp of your choice from My Creative Time ( Winner of Stamp will be announced Tomorrow Wed. Feb. 16) or (Winner for the Kich N Bleus will be announced on her U-Stream) |
Thinking of You
Wow, I've been busy and still have a few custom orders to finish this week for Valentine's Day. As promised, here are the Thinking of You cards; part of the 25 cards custom order which will be shipping out in the next day or so. I've surprised myself with how many cards I can actually get done if I put my mind to it; and I think I'd like to duplicate some of these cards and put in my shop eventually. This was a nice change from snowflakes and I haven't worked on cards in quite awhile so it has been fun to work on something different.