
Happy New Year!

Well I've been trying to update all my web sites, my blog, my flickr account, etsy, and facebook - it's taking forever but I'm getting it done. I'm not going to get enough sleep but I'm getting it done. I still don't know if I totally understand how to use a blog to promote myself, that is going to be one of my goals for 2009, figure out the blog. I've also started one for our papertwirlies team but I haven't done much but set it up slightly, must finish that soon too.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, good luck with everything you want to do and be safe. As mentioned I've been updating my flickr account, and added some older items I created like the one seen here; Wedding Keepsake Box (lid is showing). It is so pretty, so simple and so different then my usual bright stuff - I really liked the way it turned out.


  1. You have a great gallery..beautiful quilling!

  2. The link to this item is no longer working correctly. There is no wedding box on the link page. The rest of your work is awesome.

  3. Thank you for the kind words and for letting me know about the link, I'm going to try and fix it soon.
