
New Earrings

Ok, so I haven't been on here in about a week, I'm a slacker; actually I'm busy - which is good, but I'm tired and need about 5 more hours in each day. Let's see what's going on - I sold two sets of Holiday Tags, and a set of 4 chocolate brown and pink polka dot envelope tags, an order for 8 cards and received two custom orders - all on Saturday. I had to make 10 reindeer, that was time consuming but they turned out so cute. I also volunteered to make 20 samples as promotional pieces for a craft fair swag bag promoting etsy - I believe it's in North Carolina the first week in November. Things are definately picking up.

My birthday is next Thursday, October 2nd and that night I'm going out with a few friends, we're not sure where but I don't care we'll figure it out - I only go out once or twice a year so this is a big deal for me plus I absolutely love birthdays! Well because of this I've been ordering accessories and my newest purchases are two sets of earrings from designsbyvanessa.etsy.com. Received them today and they're both so pretty, can't decide which to wear out that night. They each came in a gift box with a bow - perfect for gift giving and like most etsians she gave me a little extra treat - a pink (my favorite color, how did she know) little birdy tag. Cutest little thing, so go check out her shop you won't be dissapointed. 


  1. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful time on your night out -- but geez, you need to get out more! :)

    My BD was last weekend and I attended our "Wild Women's Weekend" on the Russian River in Guernevile, CA, which my Mom and I put together with a group of friends/family. A friend and I shared a cabin. Lots of good food, canoeing, and a bit of cocktailing around the fire at night. Such fun!!!

  2. You're right about needing to get out more, but with a 5 yr old and 20 month old; I don't get out much - and I can't remember the last time my husband and I had a night out. We take turns watching the kids and letting the other one go out, since we don't really have family here - or family that we'll let babysit at the moment. :)

  3. Aww thank you so much for your kind words!! Happy Birthday :)
