Now when little rascal woke up, she saw her brother's decorated pumpkin so we sat down to work on hers. She loves ribbon and found my halloween colored rick rack and wanted that on her pumpkin, I glued it in stripes from the top to the bottom, glued on google eyes and she had her brother cut out a nose and mouth "in pink". I told her we could add a bow to the top of hers because I had some cute polka dot ribbon in orange or black, she picked out a light blue - of course. Afterwards when her pumpkin was supposed to be drying, she got into the stickers and put stickers on most of the area of her pumpkin that was showing (back, sides, bottom), she's so funny - but she loves her pumpkin.
My sweet little rascals, they sure do take after their mommy when it comes to creativity; thank goodness (if you could see how my husband draws you'd understand). Happy Monday!