We had some flurries today, for some that may not sound exciting; but I'm now living in Tennessee and we rarely get snow so when it flurries it makes me happy. I'm originally from Connecticut so I know what it's like to get snow, and thankfully we rarely get that much here - and if we do it melts away in a day or two and it's like we never had any.
I also want to comment on a sealant I tried - tried and was not successful with. It's called Stiffen Stuff Super Quick Stiffening Spray, which I purchased online at www.whimsiquills.com - Pat is very nice and has been quite helpful with information on how to use it properly which I will share with everyone else. I've been making snowflakes and thought it would be nice to use the spray on them - well I sprayed one lightly (or so I thought) and the coils started opening up - ahhhhhhh! I had to go back using my tweezers and roll some of them back up. I emailed Pat from Whimsiquills this evening and this is what she wrote:
"I just spray very light coats of the stiffen stuff and let it dry between coats. I even use it on my snowflakes and a lot of them are done with open coils. Be sure to make the first coat very light and once it dries it will keep the open coils in place for the next spraying. You just don't want to soak the paper or the coils will open. (I usually rinse off the spray thingy with warm water after I use it so it doesn't clog.) You might want to try it on a couple of coils just for practice until you get the feel of using the right amount."
Good advice and I will definitely be practicing on some spare coils. Just wanted to share it for anyone interested in using it on their quilled pieces.
I also want to mention we finished our Paper Twirlies Scavenger Hunt and I think it was fun - I had 3 people find the prize photo in my shop - I'm not sure how many were found total, that would be interesting to find out though.